, and mentioned the kick-off of the iSPEX-project on their websites. Click here for the article on Click here for the article on Click here for the article on
Posts Categorized: in the media
Reformatorisch Dagblad mentiones start iSPEX
The National newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad mentioned the kick-off of the iSPEX project and the posibility to register on it’s website. blogs about iSPEX
22 February, a weblog about Apps for safetyprofessionals published an article about iSPEX
iSPEX in the Volkskrant
On Februari 17, the Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant, published an article on citizen science with iSPEX as an example. The article has the title: A growing army of amatures helps with scientific research
Rotterdam excited about iSPEX, the website that bring local news, published an article on the iSPEX project. It also states that enrolling in the project can also be done via milieucentrum rotterdam.
iSPEX on the cover of NTvN
The Februari edition of the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Natuurkunde (Dutch Magazine of Physics, NTvN) placed iSPEX on their cover and published an interview with Frans Snik about iSPEX. Read more on the NTvN website.
Eureka! explains iSPEX
The 39th edition of the monthly magazine of student organization de Leidsche Flesch and the Faculty of Science of Leiden University has an extensive article on iSPEX at page 13. The article is written by Ritse Heinsbroek, a member of the iSPEX-team and a student at the Faculty of Science. Here, you can download the… Read more »
iSPEX-blog on
Since the launch of the renewed website of NOVA on October 31, the iSPEX project keeps it’s own weblog there. This (Dutch only) blog will be used by different members of the iSPEX-team as an extra channel to keep the public posted on the whereabouts of the Netherlands greatest citizen science project.
iSPEX in the spotlight at One More Thing
Click here for the news item.
iSPEX in the news at omroep West
Clickhere to see the newscast (in Dutch).