, the website of Sleutelstad Media (owner of Sleutelstad FM radio station) posted a Dutch only article about iSPEX.
Posts Categorized: in the media supports iSPEX supports the iSPEX project and asks it’s readers to vote for Team iSPEX for the Labyrint Public Award.
iSPEX in Nederlands Dagblad
This weekend, ND7 printed an article on iSPEX on page 19. ND7 is a part of the national newspaper “Nederlands Dagblad”. ND7 p19 20oktober
iSPEX on Vroege Vogels Radio
Sunday Oktober 21, between 8 en 10 am the radio program Vroege Vogels broadcasted an interview with members of the iSPEX team on Radio1. In this interview, Martijn Smit and Frans Snik explain why iSPEX is an important experiment that needs your support. Click here to listen to the (Dutch only) interview.
iSPEX on
Although the iSPEX concept can be used for many smartphones, until now, we have focused our attention of the iSPEX design mainly on an iSPEX for the iPhone. No wonder, gets enthousiastic about it. Read their (Dutch only) report.
iSPEX op
Aerosols can be particularly troublesome for people with allergies or astma. Read the Astma Foundation’s report on iSPEX on their website (Dutch only).
iSPEX team is ASTRON Daily image
On October 10, the iSPEX team foto appeared as the ASTRON Daily Image.
Voting for iSPEX is possible today
You can vote now for the Labyrint public-award. Of course, we ask you to vote for the iSPEX project. Vote here! Labyrint wil devote one TV episode to the winning project.
iSPEX on
MIMAQ is Mobile Individual Measurements of Air Quality. This description could be given to iSPEX as well! Therefore, MIMAQ has an extensive (Dutch only) report on their website:
iSPEX in NRC and NRC-next
Last Friday, two Dutch national newspapers, NRC and NRC-Next published an article on iSPEX. Hester van Santen writes an extensive report on the advantages of the use of this smartphone add-on for aerosol research. NRC-Next_20120928_iSPEX NRC_20120928_iSPEX